Notice Your Nudge

Change. Loss. Birth. Illness. Drastic life events shift your perspective. Life is too short for stagnation—and the universe keeps asking you to become your inspired self. Now is the time to live to your potential.

This eight-week retreat will awaken your intuition, clarify your vision, and chart steps in the direction that has been nudging you all along.

Join us for the eight-week mini-retreat series.

Identify Your Obstacles
Name Your Nudges
Realize Your Power
Clarify Your Vision 
Plot Your Path
Build Your Team
Persist and Persevere
Live the Vision

We will gather once a week for eight weeks, at a home on Bend’s West Side. There are two separate groups: one morning (9 -11 am) group and one evening (7-9 pm) group. Groups limited to ten participants.

During the weekly two-hour session, we will:

  • reflect individually through reading, art, writing, and movement;

  • reflect collectively through inspired dialogue;

  • learn from various spiritual and philosophical traditions;

  • engage in exercises that will lead us to become our inspired selves.

As intentional beings, we yearn to dedicate time to opportunities that nudge us to become our best. So give this gift to yourself!